Thursday, January 22, 2009

Nasal Sprays

I love living in Florida but have a problem with the heating in the winter months. Both my eyes and nose dry up, and I have a stuffy feeling, which really annoys me. I then blow my nose and often nothing happens as it is so dry. When I finally get to blow it, sometimes I get a nose bleed. This happe ned to me several times when we were in Los Vegas in July, and the temperatures were in the hundreds. I continually had nose bleeds.

I checked in our local Super Wal-Mart for a product that would help me. Their own make of equate brand seemed the best option. I purchased the original nasal spray. It states on the front of the bottle Nasal Decongestant 12-hour spray. Clears stuffy noses fast. Smoothes as it relieves.

It is in a white puffer bottle and is 1.00 fluid ounces. The nice thing about this product is, that it has a neck seal, and if it is broken then you do not purchase it. With any product like this, it should only be used by one person. This prevents the chance of infections, etc.

So in the mornings, it is so cold here in Florida right now, my nose is completely stuffed up with the heating on, I have to use a nasal spray. I take the top off the bottle and put the puffer top up my nose. I then give a quick, sharp, squeeze of the bottle. Normally it only takes one to achieve my goal. However, it states on the back of the bottle that 2 to 3 sprays can be used. This should only be done twice a day, and not on a regular basis. I only use it in the mornings when I can't blow my nose. During the day I have no problems whatsoever. Even trying to sleep my nose it usually clear. However, I do keep my heat on low, during the day. I also get out in the fresh air as much as possible, so I am not in the house, with the dry heat, that much.

Other mornings when my nose just feels dry I use a nasal spray that is a saline solution. That type of spray temporarily clears the nose, but sometimes I get the stuffed up feeling again. That isn't a problem because that spray can be used often.
It states on the bottle not to use for more than 3 days at a time, but that is using 2-3 sprays in each nostril twice a day. I only have the one spray a day, and then as soon as it warms up, I don't need to use it again, sometimes for several months. Please read the instructions very carefully to en sure that you use it correctly. Also you will need very good eyesight because the writing is so small on the label.

My husband should not use the decongestant spray as it states: not suitable for people with diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, and he has all three. Also if you are pregnant or breast feeding then you should consult a doctor first. There are a few other ones too.

My bottle of Equate Nasal Spray lasts forever. I have to check on the back of the bottle to make sure it hasn't gone out of date.

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