Monday, February 11, 2008


There are many americans suffering from high blood pressure, also called hypertension. One in every four adults has this ailment. You may not think having high blood pressure is really too bad because there doesn't usually seem to be any symptoms. Hypertension can lead to heart disease, kidney disease and even a stroke. Since it doesn't usually show any warning signs, you may want to have it checked out frequently. Every Wal-Mart I've been to has a blood pressure cuff in the store.

High blood pressure can affect anyone. However, men in their early and middle aged years tend to have it more than women of the same age. Women don't get off so easily though because after menopause they have it more than men their age. African americans seem to be affected by hypertension more than any other race. So an african american woman in her 60's may want to make sure she gets her blood pressure checked frequently.

The things you eat, how much you weigh, and even your family can have an effect on your blood pressure. Foods high in sodium can cause your blood pressure to rise. The more you weigh the higher your blood pressure is going to be so you should always try to maintain a healthy weight. Drinking a lot of alcohol can also cause your blood pressure to rise. Heredity can also play a factor in whether or not you will have high blood pressure.

If you have high blood pressure and your doctor gives you a medication for it, take it. There are some natural ways you can try and prevent hypertension as well as control it if you have it. Watch your weight. The easiest way to do this is to regularly exercise and eat healthy. Exercising alone can reduce your risk of heart disease and lower your cholesterol. Eat food with lower calories and less sodium. If you tend to drink a lot of alcohol, try to cut back and drink in moderation. Some people even say that dark chocolate can help lower your blood pressure, in moderation of course.

Have your blood pressure checked frequently no matter how old you are. The normal reading is 120/80. If your blood pressure is 140/90 or higher, then you need to see a doctor. Do not mess around with hypertension because it can lead to more serious conditions. If you are prescribed a medication, by all means take it. Do some research, there are plenty more natural ways to lower your blood pressure if you're not a medicinal type of person.

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